Brand Your Juice 90-Day Accelerator

Taking You From Hardworking Professional

To A Household Name

with Monique Bryan, Founder & CEO


Shaping Your Image as a Premium Paid Speaker

It's time to morph you into a high-profile powerhouse who attracts attention like a boss and makes money doing what you love in 90 Days.

"I was in desperate need of an upgrade!"

When I reached out to Monique I wanted to target higher-end clientele and I was just tapped to be featured in a magazine and I didn't have any branding that represented me. In the two months we worked with Monique's team, we had a 20k+ launch with zero ad spend, doubled our email list, increased our IG followers by half, and had our highest revenue month ever.

She's a BOSS!"

Andrea Henry, Lawyer, Business Consultant

You're a brilliant entrepreneur, but nobody knows it. Like seriously, you could be making money rain from the heavens, but you are not on anyone’s radar or if you are no one notices you…

… or worse they see you and have made a decision about you that isn't true. Yikes!


  • 💰 Do you want to land premium paid speaking engagements so you can gain more exposure...

    👀 Do you sit by and watch others get the panel talks and keynotes you know you would crush IF given the chance...

    💔 Is everyone wanting you to speak for free which eats into your time, your wallet and your self-worth...

    🥺 Are you afraid to share your rates because you don’t have the credibility you need for them to give you that money easily? 

     ➡️ Are you tired of watching other (sometimes less qualified people) effortlessly attract your dream client and scoring coveted interviews, media features, podcasts, and lucrative partnerships?

I know if you're here you have zero interest in continuing like this...

Let's take you from hardworking professional to a household name




Attract high-value opportunities by clarifying your position and showcasing your unique value

✅ Use your powerful message to attract high-value opportunities, television producers, keynote opportunities, workshop series and collabs.

✅ Discover the perfect words, tone, and visuals that will make you shine and leave onlookers scrambling to work with you.

✅ Create juicy, stand-out titles for your talks and offers so you stand out from the sea of competitors in your field. 

✅ Make more money by eliminating “multi-faceted” from the resume and owning being an authority in your category making it easy for customers to say YES! 



Fast Track Visibility by Becoming Impossible to Ignore online

🤩 Learn how to uplevel your digital footprint so it aligns with the opportunities you have been dreaming of.

🤩 Build your visual arsenal with a show-stopping photoshoot plan and walk away with captivating, on-brand images that will fuel your online brand for the next 12 months. 

🤩 Create targeted content that attracts your dream buyers, catches the eye of event organizers, and establishes yourself as the go-to rockstar in your industry. 

🤩 Dramatically reduce your time and frustration about not knowing what to post using our rinse and repeat 30- day social media plan.




Confidently pitch yourself with our Juicy outreach strategy

✨ Cut time, energy, and rejection by targeting the best opportunities aligned with your goals.

✨ Confidently pitch yourself with a solid system, featuring juicy marketing materials, professional contracts, and easy-to-use pitch templates.

✨ Skyrocket your exposure by pitching for interviews, media features, podcast appearances, and game-changing partnerships, ensuring your expertise reaches a wider audience.

✨ Monetize your expertise by offering premium services, courses, or products tied to your speaking engagements, further increasing your revenue game.


I know what it’s like to try and run, market, and grow your business all at THE SAME -DAMN- TIME! 

Meet Your Coach!

My name is Monique Bryan, and I have a BA in fashion design, three startups under my belt (so I know a bit about entrepreneur life) and I've had the unique opportunity to develop programming in partnership with companies throughout Asia and exciting global brands like PayPal, Burberry, Toms Shoes and Shopify.

I bring over 15 years of top-level industry experience in the areas of product development, branding, business development, and personal styling. Today I run a successful personal brand consultancy while being a brand myself.

When you work with me, you’re getting a Chief Marketing Officer & Creative Director at your fingertips!

I designed this program out of having met so many women with amazing stories and expertise that could help so many people if they shared it, but they didn’t have a presence, an audience, or a sound marketing strategy to get it out there.

Without these things, you can have the best message in the world, but no one will hear it.  

I’m a breast cancer survivor and have grown an engaged community of over 17,000+ people on social media, while in remission. I’m a wife, a new mom, and the host of a 5-star-rated Podcast, The Juicy CEO

My mission is to help 1,000 women-led businesses become household names and build a legacy for themselves and their family.  


"I love that she created a curated experience!"

Working with Monique is such high energy, I just loved that she created a curated experience for me and brings together such amazing, positive women. My photo shoot was amazing and I feel more professional.

Jamie Lee Dahlvik, Real Estate Agent


Here's what's waiting for you in our program:

1. Private 60-Minute 1:1 Kick-off Call: Get started on the right foot with a one-on-one session with Monique Bryan herself. Lay the foundation for your journey.

2. Monthly 1:1 Coaching Calls: Enjoy personalized guidance during your monthly private coaching sessions. Tailored support means you're never on this path alone.

3. Weekly Group Coaching Sessions: Dive into our live group sessions every week. Can't make it? No worries – we've got recordings so you can catch up when it suits you.

4. Templates and Tools: Arm yourself with practical resources to enhance your execution. We're here to help you turn ideas into reality.

5. Homework Submission and Feedback: Your progress matters. Submit your assignments for curated feedback, so you keep growing and refining.

6. Private Online Community: Join a hub of like-minded go-getters. Exchange ideas, share victories, and support each other every step of the way.

7. Surprise Guest Experts: Get ready for some jaw-dropping knowledge bombs from surprise guest experts, adding an extra juice to get you on stages and headed in the right direction.


We believe no business owner should be passed over because of how they look online.

We know you want to be seen as a thought leader who looks like money in the bank! 

BUT HERE'S THE HARD TRUTH - It's not the best in the field that gets the opportunities…

…It's the ones who are the most VISIBLE.  It is your responsibility to ensure your online presence aligns with how you want to be perceived.

In order to have that, you need a branded online presence that aligns with the clients and opportunities you desire. 

Here's the scoop: You're juggling more roles than a circus performer and time's just not on your side. Crafting that genuine online presence? It's a puzzle you haven't cracked yet, and the result? Frustration, hiding out and delivering basic marketing messages that are sucking all the joy from what you love to do. AMIRITE? 

⬇️ Keep on scrolling ⬇️

We believe no business owner should be passed over because of how they look online and we understand it’s hard to keep up while running your business day-to-day. That’s why we've taken the best pieces of training, interviewed our top-performing clients and curated a 90-day plan that guarantees to jumpstart your visibility in your marketplace.

What’s next?

Apply at the link below and we will see if it is a good fit. It's time to stop scrambling inside your business and start skyrocketing to the top of your industry!



Can I level with you? This isn't a one-size-fits-all deal. It's tailor-made for those who are geared up to invest their time, effort, and a starting budget of $7500 into amplifying their brand and enjoying the sweet fruits of their labor. Plus, guess what? We've got flexible payment plans to make it all easier on your pocket! Excited to get started? (If it's nerves you feel, don't worry that's still you being excited). APPLY BELOW and spill all the fantastic details - hold nothing back!

“Finally, the right people are finding me and my business and the media opportunities are rolling in!

"Monique has all the juice! I learned so much working with her. I feel like I wasted my first 6 months on social media just posting randomly and hoping for the best, now I know exactly what works and more importantly, finally, the right people are finding me and my business and the media opportunities are rolling in!

Roxanne Francis, Psychotherapist, Speaker, Consultant


This IS Perfect For You If . . .

✅ You're an absolute pro in your field, and it's high time everyone else sees you that way too.

✅ You know you want to use speaking as a marketing strategy to attract more business, share your message or gain more credibility.

✅ You consider yourself an action-taker and self-starter.

✅ You have already launched your business and are feeling stuck having tried to do things on your own.

✅ You’re smart and you’re done with “post and pray marketing” and instead want a clear direction for everything you put out online. 

✅ You recognize that your time is valuable so moving forward without a plan is not who you want to be. 

Watch the video below to find out the NO. 1 reason you are not making the money or the impact you want. ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️



Hear From Some People Who Have Been Where You Are...

Got Questions?

Click the button below to book your Brand Clarity Call! Please note you will asked to fill out the application before having a call to ensure this program is the right fit for you.


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Two Step

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